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Experimental AI

Introducing New Experimental AI Features.

Revolutionizing Crew Queries on Policies at CruiseControl, we constantly innovate to provide cutting-edge solutions that enhance operational efficiency and crew satisfaction. Today, we are excited to unveil our latest experimental AI features designed to streamline how crew members generate and receive answers to their questions about company policies. These advanced AI capabilities are set to transform the way crew members interact with policy information, making it more accessible, accurate, and user-friendly.

The Challenge: Navigating Policy Information

Understanding and navigating company policies can often be challenging for crew members, especially in a dynamic and high-pressure environment like maritime operations. Traditional methods of accessing policy information—through manuals, emails, or direct inquiries—can be time-consuming and prone to miscommunication. This is where our new AI features come into play, offering a more efficient and effective solution.

Experimental AI
Experimental AI

Key Features of the AI-Powered Policy Query System

1. Natural Language Processing (NLP): Our AI system leverages NLP to understand and interpret crew members' questions in natural language. This means that crew members can ask questions in plain English, and the AI will comprehend and respond appropriately without requiring specific keywords or formats.

2. Instant Responses: The AI-powered system provides instant responses to policy-related queries, reducing the wait time for crew members and allowing them to focus on their tasks. Whether it's a question about leave policies, safety protocols, or code of conduct, the AI delivers accurate answers swiftly.

3. Contextual Understanding: Our AI is designed to understand the context of questions, providing relevant and precise answers. For instance, if a crew member asks about the procedure for reporting a safety incident, the AI will not only provide the steps but also highlight related policies and guidelines.

4. Continuous Learning: The AI system continuously learns from interactions, improving its accuracy and expanding its knowledge base over time. This ensures that the answers remain up-to-date and reflective of any policy changes or updates.

5. Multi-Channel Accessibility: The AI features are accessible through multiple channels, including the CruiseControl platform, mobile apps, and even via voice commands. This flexibility ensures that crew members can get the information they need, wherever they are, and in the most convenient format.

6. Personalized Assistance: The AI can provide personalized responses based on the crew member's role, department, and location. For example, a deck officer asking about safety protocols will receive information specific to their duties and responsibilities.

Benefits of the AI-Powered Policy Query System

1. Improved Efficiency: The AI system frees up valuable time for crew members and HR personnel by automating the response process for policy-related queries, allowing them to focus on more critical tasks.

2. Enhanced Accuracy: The AI system reduces the risk of miscommunication and errors, providing consistent and accurate information every time. This ensures that crew members are well-informed and can adhere to policies correctly.

3. Increased Accessibility: With instant, 24/7 access to policy information, crew members can get the answers they need at any time, enhancing their ability to comply with regulations and perform their duties effectively.

4. Boosted Morale: Easy access to policy information reduces stress and confusion among crew members, fostering a more supportive and efficient working environment. Knowing that they can quickly resolve their queries builds confidence and job satisfaction.

5. Enhanced Compliance: Accurate and timely information about company policies ensures that crew members always comply with regulations, reducing the risk of policy breaches and associated consequences.

How to Get Started

We invite all our users to explore these new experimental AI features and experience the benefits firsthand. Here’s how you can get started: Log In: Access the AI-powered policy query system through the CruiseControl platform or mobile app.

Ask a Question: Use natural language to ask any policy-related question. Receive Instant Answers: Get accurate and relevant responses instantly, tailored to your specific needs.

For more detailed information, training, or to provide feedback on the new AI features, don't hesitate to get in touch with our support team or visit our website. Your input is invaluable as we continue to refine and enhance our AI capabilities to better serve you.


The introduction of AI-powered policy query features marks a significant step forward in our commitment to leveraging technology for improved crew management and operational efficiency. At CruiseControl, we are dedicated to providing innovative solutions that meet the evolving needs of the maritime industry. Stay tuned for more exciting developments as we continue to push the boundaries of what's possible. Thank you for being a part of the CruiseControl family. Together, we are navigating towards a smarter, more efficient future.