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Offline Mode

Users onboard the ship do not require internet connection which reduces costs and ship bandwidth usage.


eSignatures are used to sign all types of documents and paperwork. Signing a document only takes a few minutes.


Template builder and eSignature removes need to print and scan any paper. Going paperless is a big tick for the environment.

Responsive Design

Our website changes the layout to offer an experience based on the device being used, especially ideal for mobile viewing.


Automates crucial human resources management functions, such as employee management, compensation and benefits.


Select specific triggers to execute actions defined within the processes. You can create execution frequencies.

Workflow Process

Customize the order of the steps in each process and assign managers to each task.


You can create custom audiences for each workflow. The audience is defined to determine who is included in a process.


Hierarchies organize people into departments and teams. This is the dominant mode of organization.

Multi Company

This solution is designed to be highly configurable, so that companies can make the application work the way they want.


Achievements involve students, and the badges earned are a reward for student successes in their courses.

Custom Tests

Creating your test is very easy. Generate excellent tests using multiple types of questions and formatting options.

No stories, facts only

Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of Facts and Evidence


Trending Topics

Print them out, copy them, write them in your planners, take a screenshot of them but use them to keep yourself UPDATED!!!!

Navigating Your First 90 Days Onboard At CruiseControl, we understand that the first few months onboard can be challenging for newly hired crew members

Revolutionizing Crew Queries on Policies at CruiseControl, we constantly innovate to provide cutting-edge solutions that enhance operational efficiency and crew satisfaction.

CruiseControl Leads the Way In the maritime industry, retaining skilled and experienced crew members is vital for maintaining smooth operations, ensuring safety, and achieving organizational goals.

Why do people love us?

Don't take our word for it. Our clients say it best.

Now we know our employees better and can guide them from one position to another. We all work focused on our strengths.

Quick and effective solutions. The team is excellent and they are always available to help. It is a pleasure to work with them.

Pleasant and comfortable to work with, it has enabled us to train our employees. Maintaining our learning flow while offline has been decisive.